
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How do tadpoles turn into frogs

Have you ever wondered how tadpoles grow into frogs.they start off by eggs and go through 2 more stages and then finally turn into frog.

Their in a group of eggs called a spawn eggs for 6 to 21 days.soon after that they will hatch out of their eggs and begin their life.They stay in the water until they grow into a little tadpole.

After that
It turns into a little tadpole and will still swim in the water.It will have its tail,eyes,mouth and a sucker.They usually will stick between floating weeds or grass in the water using sticky organs between its mouth and belly area.The tadpoles get tiny teeny teeth which helps them to grate food.

After about 6 to 9 weeks little legs will start to pop out and it will start to grow a long tail and after about 9 weeks the tadpole will start to look like a tiny frog.

After about 12 to 16 weeks depending on the food supply and water it will be fully grow into a frog and will start more lives by laying eggs and making new froggies.

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